About.The process and quality expert.
After a successful career of over 20 years in corporate America, Kaiwen continues providing his expertise to serve his clients through KC Business Consulting, LLC. (KCBC)
Kaiwen has working knowledge in multiple industries spanning from plastics, farm implements, equipment accessories, outdoor power equipment, AWD axles, to highly complex diesel engines. He has experiences in OEM factories and tier I automotive suppliers. His teams typically manage 100 – 180 suppliers. Combining his hands-on experiences as a shop floor engineer up to a functional leader in a $2B business, Kaiwen has the ability assessing processes and operations from multiple perspectives. As a business leader, Kaiwen has had multiple successful turn-around performances especially in quality. His practical approach of tying quality with business performance has played the key role in getting buy-ins with effective executions. Examples of his success stories include record breaking warranty performance for the most complicated tier IV engine in the history of our engine line. His recent successes also include leading a supplier quality team to deliver a 60% reduction on external complaints within 20 months. Kaiwen has a master’s degree in industrial engineering from University Missouri – Columbia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physics and has MBA education. He is also a certified Six Sigma Black Belt. |
Kaiwen Cheng
FIRST robotics
I am passionate about future STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer, Math) talent. That led to my other role as the Chairman of the Queen City Robotics Alliance (QCRA). Our mission is:
Developing the future workforce by providing practical and hands on STEM experiences for local youth. QCRA leverages STEM programs to help youth learn life and workplace skills in teamwork, technology, business, and communication.